In May Dawn Hines, Managing Partner of Aventura, participated in the Wharton School Social Impact Initiative (WSII) panel discussion on the Wharton campus. The panel was entitled "Business Strategies for a Better World."
Participants were Wharton MBA alumni: Sherryl Kuhlman, Managing Director of WSII; Abigail Bach, VP Strategy & Biz Dev, Edify, an educational funding organization; Dawn Hines, (Aventura); and Bill Lenin, CFO, Off Grid Electric.
There was a full house for the panel session, and a very engaged Q&A and discussion session after the presentations. I was surprised and felt very supported by the high level of interest among fellow Wharton classmates and alumni. There was such a strong and genuine interest by so many in discussing solutions for impacting development and quality of life around the globe. And the conversations continued in the auditorium after the session finished, and over the lunch that followed.
Sherryl Kuhlman said that she sees the same high level of engagement and interest from current students at Wharton.
This is an exciting trend in outlooks within the business community, which has clearly evolved for the better since the 1990's.
-- Dawn Hines